We are thrilled to announce the grand inauguration of the state-of-the-art 100 KLD Sewerage Treatment Plant at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Mumbai on the World Environment Day.

This modern Sewerage Treatment Plant based on Portable Magnetized Treatment Reactor (PMTR) technology marks a significant leap forward in addressing the growing concerns of water pollution and environmental sustainability.

Inauguration OF PMTR Based 100 KLD Sewage Treatment Plant at JNPT, Mumbai

The portable sewage treatment plant showcases the relentless efforts of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority – JNPA in ensuring a cleaner and greener future for all.

Inauguration OF PMTR Based 100 KLD Sewage Treatment Plant at JNPT, Mumbai

We would to express our sincere gratitude towards Shri Sanjay Sethi (IAS), Honourable Chairman, Shri Unmesh Sharad Wagh (IRS), Dy. Chairman and Dr. G. Vaidyanathan, Chief General Manager (PPD) for gracing this occasion.

The unwavering commitment of JNPA towards adoption of latest technologies, ensuring efficient and eco-friendly treatment processes that meet the highest standards of water quality is second to none.

Inauguration OF PMTR Based 100 KLD Sewage Treatment Plant at JNPT, Mumbai